As a business coach, I work with founders and entrepreneurs to maximise their professional potential. I help people realise that they already own the gold .

 I work closely with business professionals to identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and develop strategies for success. The support I can offer is both wide and varied. I cover areas from entrepreneurial mental health and well-being and the development of a personal brand right through to training for fundraising pitches, the art of selling and how to develop key relationships.


Through my transformative GOLD Coaching Process, I guide clients towards greater clarity, purpose, and success in both their personal and professional lives

Begin by defining clear, specific, and achievable goals with the client. Ensure these goals are aligned with their aspirations and values.

Observe the client's current behaviours, habits, and thought patterns to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and potential obstacles.

Collaborate with the client to create a personalized development plan outlining actionable steps and milestones towards their goals

Provide relevant knowledge, tools, and resources to support the client's growth and development. Encourage continuous learning and skill enhancement.


  • “Ian understands everyone is unique, and as a fantastic career coach, he recognises this. He adapts his coaching style and technique to suit your specific needs and preferences. By understanding my personality, learning style, and goals, he provided me with a personalised experience that resonated and yielded significant results.”


  • “Working with Ian as an executive coach was particularly beneficial during my career transition as I was focused on my professional advancement.  As an executive moving into a new role, Ian provided guidance, assisted with strategic planning, and helped navigate challenges associated with change.”


  • Ian has extensive experience and knowledge of the business world. I found that he had faced similar challenges to mine and had overcome them successfully. His wisdom and insights guided me in making informed decisions and avoiding pitfalls. He has totally accelerated my learning!

    Tony G - Entrepreneur coaching

  • As a mentor Ian offers an unbiased and objective viewpoint. He provided constructive criticism and feedback on my ideas, strategies, and approaches. His outside perspective helped me identify blind spots, challenging my assumptions, and refine my business plans. Starting and running a business can be taxing. Ian provided support, encouragement, and motivation.

    Harrison S - Executive Coaching

My services

Download your free guides

I offer free downloadable guides to support my coaching clients' transformation journey for several reasons. I believe in making valuable additional resources readily available without any barriers to ensure that anyone, regardless of their situation, can access helpful tools to aid their transformation journey. I believe offering free resources demonstrates my commitment to supporting not only my clients but anyone who stumbles on this website to make their own transformational journey